Lindenwood Magazine - Fall 2023

6 7 FALL 2023 EDITION THE LINDENWOOD THE LINDENWOOD FALL 2023 EDITION Greatness need, Drs. Deb Ayres, Amanda Price, and Brittany Brown, key leaders within the Human Resources division, consulted with the University’s Q2 Champions, a group of comprised of both faculty and staff known for their commitment to serving, students, fellow colleagues, and the broader community. Little did anyone expect that this endeavor would evolve into a journey of profound self-discovery and cultural transformation. Several Q2 Champions from each division and college stepped forward to assist in re-energizing and recommitting the university community to the core values. These champions took on a new identity as VIP (Values in Practice) leads, which recognized their crucial role in this endeavor. Their dedication to fostering a culture of excellence made them a natural fit for this strategic initiative. In the pursuit of a more values-driven and authentic culture, Lindenwood developed a robust framework leveraging the Barrett Model and the OCAI to delve into the intricate relationships between culture, values, and behaviors, guiding them through a journey of self-discovery and transformation. The HR team, in tandem with the VIP leads, embarked on a comprehensive analysis reviewing the OCAI assessment results, first discovering the different facets of the University’s culture, then diving into the behaviors promoting the culture, to get to the core values instilled in all University employees. This work involved delving into the intricate dynamics of their organization, uncovering both strengths and areas for improvement. The transformational journey demanded countless hours of thoughtful and rigorous discussion—a process that required unwavering commitment from the VIPs and HR leaders. Collaborating with the University Cabinet, the VIPs played an instrumental role in reshaping Lindenwood’s values. This partnership was critical in developing a set of values that would resonate deeply within the university community and extend its influence beyond its borders. The resulting values now reflect the very essence of Lindenwood’s commitment to its students, faculty and staff, and the community it serves. SEEDS OF FEATURE STORY FEATURE STORY In the pursuit of continuous improvement and the alignment of its core values, Lindenwood University embarked on a transformative journey. This journey involved redefining the core values and recognition of exceptional individuals who exemplify these principles. Led by a dedicated team from the Human Resources division and inspired by the Barrett Model and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), Lindenwood’s new values now reflect a profound commitment to its students, fostering a culture that not only benefits the institution but also deeply resonates with its entire community. As an academic institution steeped in tradition and with a close-knit community, Lindenwood recognized the need for a more comprehensive and inclusive set of values that would resonate with its diverse stakeholders. To address this LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY’S JOURNEY: VALUES IN PRACTICE By Dr. Brittany Brown | Director, Employee Development TOWNHALL Townhall introducing our newly crafted values DR. JOHN PORTER President, Lindenwood University ROB WESTERVELT Vice President, Strategy & Innovation Dr. Deb Ayres Senior Vice President, Human Resources