Admissions Viewbook - Lindenwood University

TOMMY SUN STUDENT PROFILE THIS IS WHERE MY SERVICE BEGINS… My goal is to work in military intelligence and maybe something bigger after that, like a position at the NSA, CIA, or FBI. THIS IS WHERE I DISCOVERED MY FUTURE… An international relations major was something I never thought I would pursue, but learning about history and modern world functions clicked with me. I am involved in Phi Lambda Chi, Alpha Phi Omega, and Army ROTC; these organizations alone have prepared me to be a leader. I love studying a wide range of cultures to better my understanding of why some cultures do the things they do. Culture is the key to understanding behavior. Specifically, I am interested in government foreign policy that ties in with military & technology. MY END GOAL IS ALWAYS TO BE OF SERVICE TO THE COUNTRY that gave my parents and family a chance to thrive. I am from St. Charles, so I wanted to stay close to home and family before my career starts. The first year of my life was not in the U.S., but China, so my childhood was already different from most of my friends. This is WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT from others. Having a background in two different cultures and being able to function in both has given me an edge. MY FOCUS MY EXPERIENCE 11 GLOBALLY MINDED