Your support of Lindenwood University benefits students by providing additional scholarship opportunities, enhanced academic programs, various sports programs, and maintenance and expansion of facilities. Your gifts help equip the leaders of tomorrow.

The Lindenwood Fund
Making a gift to the Lindenwood Fund is the most immediate way to make a significant impact at Lindenwood University, providing critical support for the University’s top priorities.

Academic Colleges
Stay connected to Lindenwood University by getting involved and helping the Lindenwood students of today experience the satisfaction of achievement.

LindenGiving is a community outreach endeavor focused on serving the most essential needs of our neighbors here in St. Charles. Each initiative partners with a local non-profit organization and engages the campus community in support of the endeavor.

Lions Booster Club
The Lions Booster Cub (LBC) recognizes and celebrates those who support Lindenwood Athletics through charitable contributions.

Lions Relief Fund
When difficult events happen to students, it's hard to keep academics a priority. You have the power to lend these students a hand with a gift to the Lions Relief Fund.

Student Emergency and Equity (SEE) Fund
The Student Emergency and Equity Fund (SEE) is a collaborative effort between the Lindenwood Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Advancement. This initiative provides students from historically underrepresented populations with financial assistance for significant, unforeseen, unavoidable emergencies and unexpected expenses.

Scholarships provide assistance to thousands of students every year who might not otherwise attend Lindenwood. Donations for scholarships in any amount are greatly appreciated by students needing to achieve their dreams.