
Ben Scholle

Ben Scholle

Ben Scholle

Ben Scholle
Senior Professor, Cinema Arts (9 months)
College of Arts and Humanities

J. Scheidegger Center For The Arts 2270 +1 636-949-4166 bscholle@lindenwood.edu

Course Information

Term Course Course Name
Fall 24 16-Week CIN E1100 11 On Ground Video Production
Fall 24 16-Week CIN E1100 12 On Ground Video Production
Fall 24 16-Week CIN E5000 ARR11 On Ground Cinema Workshop
Fall 24 16-Week CIN E6000 ARR11 On Ground Cinema Thesis
Fall 24 16-Week CIN E1300 21 On Ground Introduction to Cinema Arts
Spring 25 16-Week CIN E3250 21 On Ground Documentary Production
Spring 25 16-Week CIN E1100 11 On Ground Video Production
Spring 25 16-Week CIN E5250 21 On Ground Documentary Production
Spring 25 16-Week CIN E1100 12 On Ground Video Production