
Robyne Elder

Robyne Elder

Robyne Elder

Robyne Elder
Associate Provost, Academic Effectiveness
Academic Affairs

Library and Academic Resources Center 236 +1 636-949-4332 relder@lindenwood.edu

Course Information

Term Course Course Name
Fall 24 16-Week EDA 78930 OL01 Online Problem of Practice III
Fall 24 16-Week EDA 78000 ARRE Online Capstone Experience
Fall II 24 8-Week COL 49000 PIF01 On Ground Special Topics: Assessment Internship
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 78000 ARRE Online Capstone Experience
Spring 25 16-Week COL 49000 PIF01 On Ground Special Topics: Assessment Internship
Spring I 25 8-Week UNI V1010 03 On Ground First-Year Seminar
Summer 24 12-Week EDA 78930 OL31 Online Problem of Practice III
Summer 25 12-Week EDA 78930 OL31 Online Problem of Practice III