The Academic Strategy for Lindenwood is built on our commitment to “supporting our students as they strive toward their personal, professional, and academic goals.” The strategic pillar of “Success,” is designed to achieve Goal 2 of the Academic Core Initiative, which is “We raise the bar for how we support the success of our students.” This goal is achieved through four strategies:
- Strategy 2.1: We use data and other evidence to provide proactive and reactive support to our students.
- Strategy 2.2: Our students have access to the support services they need.
- Strategy 2.3: Our Q2 culture ensures students feel a strong sense of belonging.
- Strategy 2.4: Our curriculum is crafted to support and motivate students to achieve their goals.

Q2-Every Student Counts
Lindenwood University has embraced a culture of Q2 service excellence, as we become the next great learner-centric university. Q2 stands for two simple questions, “what and how.” What do you need and how can I help? But it also encompasses the bigger picture, What are the expectations of our students and colleagues? How can we exceed those expectations, all of the time, for all people? We ask these questions because every student counts.

Breaking 80 Retention Plan
Our goal to retain at least 80% of our fall 2023 first-time, full-time freshmen.

Student Academic Support Services (SASS)
Student Academic and Support Services (SASS) supports the Lindenwood University student community through academic engagement, problem resolution, and provision of resources.

Library Services
Lindenwood Library serves as an academic and cultural hub, providing a one-stop-shop for students in their research careers at Lindenwood University. Located in the Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC), librarians and staff provide helpful and friendly guidance on accessing resources including over 283,300 volumes, ebooks, electronic and print journals, archival resources, and audio-visual materials and games.

Writing Center
The Writing Center emphasizes a personalized, collaborative approach that helps writers gain both confidence and competence in their writing skills.

Math Success Center
The Math Success Center is a haven for students seeking to conquer their mathematical challenges. Whether unraveling complex equations or mastering fundamental concepts, our skilled Math Tutors are dedicated to aiding students on their mathematical journey.

Language Lab
The Foreign Languages Lab is located in LARC 11A and offers tutoring services for students of Mandarin Chinese, German, Spanish, and English as a Second Language.