
Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services


Accessibility Support Information

Lindenwood University complies with the American with Disabilities Act by making our programs and services accessible to students with disabilities. Student Academic and Support Services (SASS) ensures that these students receive assistance by providing auxiliary aids and accommodations. We strive to give students an equal opportunity to succeed in earning their degree.

Accommodations are provided to qualified students with a variety of disabilities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mobility impairment
  • Hearing loss
  • Visual impairment

Students with physical, sensory, medical, psychological, or other temporary impairments may receive services. Because our campus does have classroom buildings that may not fully accommodate students with mobility issues due to the age of the buildings, we will move classrooms for these students to an accessible building.

Reasonable accommodations are provided on an individual basis and are determined based on submitted documentation as well as discussion with students. Accommodations will reflect the diagnosis provide on your documentation. Some accommodations might include:

  • Assistance with note taking
  • Double time on tests
  • Private testing area
  • Extended time on writing assignments
  • Preferred seating

Accessibility Application

Students who need assistance or accommodations regarding certified disabilities should contact the Lindenwood University’s Student Support and Accessibility Office at or may complete the accessibility application.

To receive accommodations students will need to provide the following:

  • Complete the accessibility application.
  • Submit written medical documentation. Documentation needs to be current (within five years) assessment by a licensed psychologist or medical doctor. The documentation should include history, diagnostic test, diagnosis, and recommendations for accommodations at the university level and be typed on official letterhead including the signature of a qualified medical provider. These assessments are often called, “Psycho-educational Evaluations” and/or Psychological Evaluations.”
  • Students need to request accommodations before the beginning of each semester/quarter and whenever a class change occurs. Until the student requests accommodations for the semester, accommodations will not be provided, and they are not retroactive.

Kurzweil 3000

Lindenwood University is proud to offer Kurzweil 3000 for free to all LU students, faculty, and staff!

Kurzweil 3000 is a software by Kurzweil Education that integrates educational tools and assistive technology to aid users with learning differences to fully engage in what they are learning. In addition, Kurzweil aids with focus and organization while promoting independent learning. Kurzweil 3000 offers a variety of helpful features, such as notetaking, annotating, brainstorming, speech-to-text, a graphic brainstorming tool, and colored highlighters.

To use Kurzweil 3000, simply log in using the Microsoft Single Sign on. You can find detailed instructions in the word document below.

If you have any questions, you can contact Kurzweil also offers users an incredible database of free training materials if you'd like to dive deeper into its features; these trainings and tutorials may be viewed within "Kurzweil Academy".

Centers & Institutes