College of Arts and Humanities

Art and Design (BFA) with emphasis in Digital Art

Art and Design (BFA) with emphasis in Digital Art

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Capture the Future

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) offered in On-campus and Online formats.

Why study Digital Art?

Graphic designers have the ability to create a new visual reality with digital imaging, illustration, and photography. They develop visual concepts with computer software, using their skills to design and layout advertisements, brochures, corporate reports, magazines.

The BFA in Art and Design with an Emphasis in Digital Art provides the format and tools that allow traditional fine arts students to work in digital media. With a firm foundation in the theories and techniques of studio art, digital art majors will be provided the software skills necessary to thrive in the digital art and design industries.

You'll study art history, learn about two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, study drawing and digital photography.

Brenna ColpittsDigital Art was something I was surprised I enjoyed so much. When I took the first Digital Art class, I instantly loved it! At the end of each Digital Art class, I always wanted to jump right into the next level of the class.

- Brenna Colpitts

What can you do with a degree in Digital Art from Lindenwood University?

Digital Art careers include Art director, design director, editorial designer, graphic artist, graphic designer for advertising agencies, magazines, publishing houses, television stations or studios or movie studios, marketing manager, multimedia designer, web designer, sign designer, web designer.