College of Arts and Humanities

IMF 51631 Fiction: Point of View W

IMF 51631 Fiction: Point of View W

College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION


Kali VanBaale

Class Type 

Craft & Workshop

Course Description

This online workshop will focus on Point of View in novels and short stories.

Point of view is the most important element of fiction, period. Everything about a story orbits around and is dictated by point-of-view: detail, imagery, conflict, characterization, narrative voice, dialogue and plot. But most writers struggle with point of view at some point. What is third person limited? What is Direct Interior Monologue? What is Indirect Interior Monologue? In this course, we’ll examine all forms of point of view and narrative modes, their definitions, functions, and nuances.

Each student will submit up to 12 pages of a novel or short story in two workshop sessions to receive rigorous feedback from peers and the instructor, and students will read and respond to 2-4 peer submissions per week.

There will also be writing and reading assignments between workshop sessions, and recommended readings each week.

This workshop can be demanding, but the goal is for each student to finish the course with several polished chapters of a novel-in-progress or a short story.

All genres welcome.


No Textbook is Required