College of Arts and Humanities

IMF 51694 Fiction: Multigenre Workshop

IMF 51694 Fiction: Multigenre Workshop

College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION


Youngdahl, Shana

Course Description

IMF 51694 Multigenre Chapter Workshop – In this course, we will explore what makes a chapter in fiction and memoirs alike, how authors decide to use chapters in a book-length manuscript, and what the impact of chapter breaks is on readers. We will write our own chapters and workshop them considering our critical reading and study. This course is designed to capitalize on what you already know about how chapters work, and help you gain a deeper appreciation for mindfully crafted chapters through study discussion, and peer-critique of your own and others’ work.


There is no specific textbook required for this class. All readings will be available in Canvas. In addition, each student will select a comp-title to read and analyze for how its chapters function. More information on this assignment and presentation is below and a detailed assignment sheet will be available in Canvas.